Cadence and Penguin Band Tracker Chat!

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WELCOME to the OFFICIAL Cadence and Penguin Band tracker chat! Have fun tracking and follow the rules. NO CUSSING-You know what I mean. No bad words, swearing, or vulgarity. There might be little kids on this chat. Cursing=1 hour immediate ban. However, small "bad words" hell crap frickin and damn ARE allowed. NO CYBERBULLYING-Cyberbullying is a crime. If you have something mean to say about someone else, say it in PRIVATE CHAT with one person. Cyberbullying=Immediate ban forever. NO SPAM-No links to your blog or YouTube videos on the chat. If you would like people to see your blog or channel, put it on the Home Page link when you click your name. Also, smiley spam may slow down the site. No more than 2 smileys per chat post and no more than 3 on your name. Spam=3 kick warnings, 3 1 hour ban warnings, and finally 1 ban forever. NO ASKING-Please do not ask do be a moderator. I will add you as a mod if I want. And NO asking for xats. I DO NOT HAVE ANY XATS!! But if someone who DOES have xats comes on my blog, DO NOT beg them for xats. They will most likely be a moderator and may ban you. Asking= Ban for 1 day. And moderators, if you think someone earns being a mod or xats, give it to them. If they ASK, they have not earned it. Asking+giving=being stripped of your moderator ranking and 1 day ban. NO LYING-This means no posting fake Cadence or Penguin Band. Also, no impersonations. This means no saying you are a Club Penguin mascot or famous penguin. Lying=3 warnings then 1 day ban.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Short on a Taco By Snowborber

One day I was working at the Casa Fiesta just cleaning up before the Big Fiesta. I dusted...
 I lit the candles...
 And I put out the food BUT I realized 1 taco was MISSING!
 Oh no I thought as I searched everywhere. Maybe it had fallen on the floor when I was carrying the plates? The party had 100 people and there were only 99 tacos!
 I frantically searched the place trying to crack the case of the missing Taco. It wasn't on the floor..
 And it wasn't on any of the tables!
 So I went outside to look for my boss Segnor Maldonato and report the Taco Scenerio. WHAT IT'S MISSING! He exclaimed. He was VERY good boss and a GREAT party planner. He got very upset when something was missing.
 Oh taco where can you be? I called. I looked everywhere but I STILL couldnt't find it. All of a sudden, I heard a loud AHA! coming from my right.
 It was Segnor Maldonado! He find the Taco! He told me it was behind the salad and I must have moved it. This was TEAMWORK and now the party was PERFECT.

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